Return to the Outdoors
This past weekend, the young men of Troop 150 returned to the outdoors with our June Fishing outing!
I am happy to report that this weekend's fishing outing was a great success!
We had two full patrols of 8 and 9 scouts in attendance, and much to the local bluegill's delight and terror, over 17 rods and reels with lures, hot dogs, and works worked the South Bay of Independence Grove Forest Preserve for the better part of 3.5 hours on Saturday!
We had about 45 minutes of decent rain, but after that the weather cleared nicely and it was a beautiful afternoon for fishing, games, advancement, hot dog and bratwurst dinner and a campfire program.
We also had several new guests to our troop and they seemed to have a great time!
I want to thank all of our adults who volunteered (Tony, Mike, and Joe) - we literally could not run the program without these volunteers. Thanks to all of our scouts for showing up, paying attention, learning about fishing, and helping each other and making the outing super-fun. Also a big thanks to all of my scouting parents who read through pages of outings plans, answered surveys, prepped their boys for safe social distancing, packed appropriate gear, etc.